Federalism and the Kurds

In my last entry I said that the Kurds believed federalism might be a solution to the new Iraq. Today I received an announcement of a new bulletin about federalism that is being made freely available to scholars.

The first issue of the Bibliographical Bulletin on Federalism, edited by the Centre for Studies on Federalism of Turin (Italy), is now available at our website. The Centre for Studies on Federalism, currently under the direction of Antonio Padoa Schioppa (President) and Umberto Morelli (Director), was founded in 2000 at the joint initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the Universities of Pavia and Turin, recently joined by the University of Milan. The Centre’s principal focus is the promotion and coordination of research, education, information and the circulation of knowledge and documentation in the field of federal studies. The Bibliographical Bulletin on Federalism provides an overview of articles published by roughly 700 of the principal scientific journals on federalism published in English, Italian, French, German and Spanish and will be published on-line three times a year. The Bulletin uses a definition of federalism based on the studies of, among others, Kenneth C. Wheare, Carl Joachim Friedrich, Mario Albertini and Daniel Elazar. It is divided into several sections devoted to specific topics related to federalism, such as the theory and practice of federal states; multi-level systems of government and governance; the theory, practice and reform of international organisations; processes of regional integration; federalism as a political idea. The specific policies of federal polities are not considered other than as case studies relevant to institutional and theoretical arguments, strictly related to federal ideas and structures.With the Bulletin it is the Centre’s intent to offer a free service to the international academic community, providing a timely update on new articles on federalism and an archive useful to researchers all over the world. Scholars can search the Bulletin and its archive by author, journal, keywords, section of the Bulletin, or specific topic.The first issue includes articles from journals published in 2005, while the archive includes a no. 0 with relevant articles published in 2004, thereby making available a critical mass to begin working with. The Bulletin will be published on-line three times a year.Many articles included in the Bulletin are also available in our specialised Library, which offers a wide range of materials, including some rare collections donated to the Centre by several eminent personalities, scholars and institutions. The Library is open to all interested scholars and its catalogue can be accessed on-line. The Centre for Studies on Federalism will assist Italian and foreign scholars in organising their stays at the Centre for the purpose of consulting the Library material.Please feel free to forward this message to all interested scholars and institutions.Thank you for your attention.

Prof. Umberto Morelli Director
Dr. Roberto Castaldi Editorial Coordinator

For further information on the Centre for Studies on Federalism you may visit our web-site at http://www.csfederalismo.it/User/index_en.html. You may contact us at: tel. 0039/011/6705024; fax 0039/011/6705081; info@csfederalismo.it
