A Pause....

I am leaving for Miami in a couple of days where I'm a visiting professor for the spring semester. I will be back in June.

I shall be offline for a while during the settling in period.

My paper with Eleni Skordaki, "Structuring Transactions: The Case of Real Estate Finance" has been revised and uploaded to SSRN. Comments are very welcome. This is the abstract:

A question often posed but rarely satisfactorily answered is: what do lawyers do? In this paper we take the work of real estate finance lawyers and examine how they structure transactions within the cross-border context. We use Luhmann's idea of the stabilization of expectations as our guiding theory. For the analysis the key term is structure as it is this that determines the success or failure of a transaction. This places the lawyer in an analogous position to the architect in a construction project. We provide examples of transactions and how they are articulated. This paper is co-authored by a practitioner and an academic.

Happy New Year to all................
