Blawg Review #214 by CharonQC

You know it's that time of year when Charon QC is asked to host Blawg Review. So here it is, number 214.

It starts with the immortal line: "On this day in 1812 the United States of America declared war on Great Britain" (which did happen on June 1).

Charon QC continues

Had enough of the Credit-Crunch?

This is an edition of Blawg Review for those who say… “When the Credit-Crunch gets tough… the Credit-Crunched get crunched with SMOKEDO… and blog.”

It is not X rated, it is office safe;  the Geeklawyer  fearing need not fear… but, to modify a phrase from a friend and colleague of many moons ago… There’s a plot… let’s go and lose it… come and join me.


His coverage of legal blogs is encyclopaedic--there's everything from criminal law to China.

And on a point of disclosure: He's put me in it too.
