(Thanks to FT)
The card is due to come in a week. No card but a text message telling me to call to activate my card. Then I get a call from the Bank of America, whose card it is.
Why haven't you activated your new wonderful credit card?
Because you haven't sent me one.
We have.
I haven't received it.
It goes on a bit like this.
We'll send you a new one.
No card comes and I get another call from Bank of America. They take me through their security checks even though I have no card. We repeat the above conversation. I can't quite tell if they have actually sent another card; if they have it's lost too. They offer to send out card #3.
It's been over a month now when the latest call comes through. Repeat above with addition that you've sent me three credit cards so far and someone is eating them.
This one says I actually received my card on February 8 (ie. card #1). Undertone of I'm not telling the truth....?
Well, I don't have it nor do I have any of the others you sent.
Turns out no others have been sent. This one promises to send out a new card.
You'll have it in a few days. I'll drop it in the post for you.
Yeah, the world's flat and the moon is made of green cheese!
Lord help us if a giant bank like BofA can't organize a simple credit card, how the hell are they going to rebuild the economy?