Institutional Bridging: How Large Law Firms Engage in Globalization

(thanks to gizmag, proposed bridge over Pearl River)

I've just posted a new paper to SSRN titled "Institutional Bridging: How Large Law Firms Engage in Globalization". It's for a symposium put together by the Boston College Law Review and the Boston College International & Comparative Law Review on Filling Power Vacuums in the New Global Legal Order.

The abstract reads: This article introduces the "Born Global" concept into the discussion of law firms and lawyers. Born Global firms are companies that globalize at an accelerated rate. This article illustrates that English and American law firms are the precursors to Born Global companies and highlights how the common law has facilitated this process. It also demonstrates, through modern case studies, how lawyers and the common law continue to have a globalizing effect in the business world. Last, the article argues that the disparity between UK and US law firms created by the the UK Legal Services Act 2007 may create an opportunity for the UK law firms to truly break out ahead of their US counterparts.

(PS. my favourite bridge is the Ponte Vecchio....

(thanks to


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