
How the New Regulation of the Legal Profession Worked Out...


Does Legal Education Have a Future?

Messing Around on a Sunday.....

Evaluating Change in the Legal Services Market

November's a Busy Time....

What the Bar is Like--Do We Really Know?

Sometimes Research Takes You to Great Places...

Can You Live with the Law?

This Blog is Random....

International Conference of Legal Regulators

Tesco Law Forces Decline in Law Firm Partner Numbers

Law Firms Investigating Banks

Thinking About Barristers' Clerks....

Another Little Aspect of the Cab Rank Rule...

I Swear This Problem is Universal....

ReInvent(ing) Law


"The Briefs"

Post-Canada Ruminations.....

The Last PowerPoint...

The Conference Season Rests....

Lawyers' Ethics in Action....

International Legal Ethics Conference V Banff

When the "Troika" Comes to the Rescue

Demands of the New Legal Services Market

LawTechCamp London 2012

Silk...Torn to Shreds!

I've Been Conferencing...Back Soon...

Studs Terkel Would Be 100 Years Old This Week

The Return of "Silk" (Series 2)

Make Love Not War?